Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Mountain shaped

God caressed the outline of the mountain chain with his right hand. He liked the rough feeling of jagged stone and dry bushes on his palm. Out of the corner of his eye he could see one of the monkey creatures he had planted on earth ages ago start climbing a mountain.
It didn't really make sense for monkeys to climb mountains but this particular breed rarely did make sense. God pulled back his hand and watched the monkey which had wrapped itself in colourful second skin work itself up the hill. He wondered if the monkey was embarassed because it had lost nearly all of its hair. The sheep which were loitering near the top of the hill also started watching the monkeys with slight amusement.
Once the monkeys reached the top they stopped and looked down at where they started their journey. Then they started walking back towards where they started.
Dumb creatures, God thought.

Monday, 14 April 2008

Steven Spiegel

"Open your eyes, Mr Spiegel" a kind female voice whispered.
I opened my eyes and confusion washed over me as I saw what seemed the watery remains of an impressionistic painting. My hand like a molten piece of wax passed my line of vision. I stared at the dripping outline of my fingers.
"Cigarette" I croaked.
"You can't smoke here. You're in a hospital."
"Cigarette" I repeated calmly.
"I'm sorry I can't allow you to smoke here. It's not good for your new eye."
Last I remembered I'd been dumped by my girlfriend and then shot in the face by my best friend. Now the world was one big mix of LSD colours.
I sighed.
"Cigarette" I repeated once more.